Complete Treatment for Baldness: How to Make The Strands Grow Strong Again! No Myths or Miracles

09 de November de 2020

This is Boys!!! Is that all right? Today the conversation here will be straight and straight, let’s talk about baldness and how to regress the advance and increase the volume and thickness of the strands of your hair. Here we don’t want to give you a miracle medicine, but we’re going to tell you how we did it here to improve baldness. The result, and everything we will spend here has been tested in practice and only all this information has been achieved after many years of study. So, my friends, take advantage of this content to improve your hair in a true and mythless way. Let’s go to our post today: Complete Treatment for Baldness: How to Make The Strands Grow Strong Again! No Myths or Miracles HAIR TREATMENT AGAINST BALDNESS: MAKE YOUR HAIR GROW BACK | NEW OLD MAN


So let’s get started guys! The first thing I can tell you is that everything we’re going to talk about here is part of a treatment, so the results will only be seen if everything is done rigorously for at least 6 months. Of course, if everything is done right you will be able to see the first results well before that. Another thing I can’t forget to talk about is that if your baldness is at a very advanced stage the results will be much lower.

Now we will pass you the complete treatment, at the end of this post we will pass a slightly simpler treatment, for those who do not have money to make all the investment that this treatment requires.

The first product you should use is the well-known Minoxidil, this product helps a lot to recover hair follicles and stimulate the growth of the strands. I recommend using Minoxidil Kirkiland which is the best in my opinion twice a day.

Complete Treatment for Baldness | New Old Man

The second product is a drug called Finasteride, this medicine causes your body not to transform testosterone and a hormone called DHT, this hormone is largely responsible for activating baldness in follicles sensitive to this hormone. Many people say that this drug causes several side effects such as even a drop in libido, but if we read the package leaflet carefully we can see that it has been found that this happens with less than 1% of men who use Finasteride. If you feel any collateral, just stop using the medicine. Take 1 tablet of Finasteride 1mg. / PANTOGAR:

Finasteride and Minoxidil will recover, stimulate and make your hair recover, but if you do not have available in your body the vitamins and all the nutrients necessary for the hair to have the strength to be born your results will be smaller or non-existent. That way, Biotin and Pantogar will provide you with all the nutrients you need for your hair to be born. Take 1 capsule of Biotin 5mg a day and 2 capsules of Pantogar one after lunch and one after dinner. The Pantogar is a medium expensive product, so I recommend you buy it handled to save some real.

Complete Treatment for Baldness | New Old Man SHAMPOO:

The Ketoconazole Shampoo has the function of reducing the oiliness of the scalp which is one of the factors responsible for accelerating baldness, this shampoo still ends with dandruff and hair loss, fights inflammatory processes of the scalp and even helps in blood circulation. Using Ketoconazole Shampoo twice a week, as it is very strong and if used too much can harm your hair. PUMP

Pump Shampoo helps your hair be born stronger, full-bodied and thicker. In addition to providing various nutrients necessary for the proper growth of the strands that act directly on the hair and scalp.

Complete Treatment for Baldness | New Old Man DON’T HAVE THE MONEY TO DO ALL THE TREATMENT, WHAT DO I DO?

So guys, in this case opt for the basic treatment, Minoxidil and Finasteride. In case you’re going to pantogar. With this treatment you will already notice a great improvement of your hair strands and the appearance of new strands. Remember, if your baldness is already too advanced the results will be much lower.

Finally, I have to say that these tips do not take away the need to consult with a specialist doctor to prescribe a personalized treatment for you.

So that’s what we have to say about the post: Complete Treatment for Baldness: How to Make The Strands Grow Strong Again! No Myths or Miracles… But there’s one last thing… Any questions just ask down there, ideas for new posts and everything else you want … Now I’m gone!!!


Renan Leite

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