Modelers Guide: Polishes and Waxes for Every Pocket

28 de January de 2021

Hey Guys !!! Today I’m happy, because I’m going to talk about a subject that I like a lot, and I think it will help you a lot to find a hair styler that fits perfectly in your pocket, and the best, right, quality:

Therefore, the subject today is:  Modelers Guide: Polishes and Waxes for All Pockets .

So guys, to make it a little easier, we separated a list with several modelers, separated by price range. That way, I believe it will be easier to find one that is more in line with what you are looking for. We focus on not only talking about values, but also explaining the differences between them, as well as the peculiarities. Because, after all, each modeler has its own characteristics and advantages. Is not it?!

To start the conversation we will show the video we made for this post. I believe that with him it will be perfectly understood all the points that we want to present about the modelers. After the video we will make a list summarizing everything that was said in it. Let’s go to the video !!!   MODELERS ‘GUIDE: OINTMENTS AND WAXES FOR ALL POCKETS | NEW OLD MAN


Price Range: Between R $ 25 and R $ 35

Brand: Cless Charmming

Effect: Normal, Matte and Shine

Fixation:  Light, Strong and Extra Strong


Price Range: Between R $ 35 and R $ 45

Brand: GO. MAN

Effect: Normal, Matte and Shine

Fixation:  Normal, Strong and Extra Strong


Price Range: Between R $ 50 and R $ 75

Brand: Barber Shop

Effect: Wet and Dry

Fixation:  Medium and Strong


Price Range: Between R $ 85 and R $ 120

Brand: Mitch – Paul Mitchell

Effect: Natural, Gloss and Matte

Fixation:  Medium, Strong and Extra Strong


Price Range: Between R $ 120 and R $ 140

Brand: Keune – Matt Effect 30Gr

Effect: Dry / Matte

Fixation:  Strong but malleable


Price Range: Between R $ 170 and R $ 180

Brand: Keune – Matt Effect 100gr

Effect: Dry / Matte

Fixation:  Strong but malleable


LAST TIP: The most cost-effective modeler we identified would be two of the brands presented, which would be: GO. MAN and Barbershop Club . These two brands have very cool prices, and are still products of extreme quality that we here at New Old Man have already used and approved.

That’s it for today, now it’s up to you. I hope you liked our : Modelers Guide: Polishes and Waxes For All Pockets and see you next time!


► See all Charming brand products here:

► See all Go brand products here:

► See all Barberia Clube products here:

► See all Mitch brand products here: 

► See all Keune products here: Bonus: Perfect Beard Handbook:

In the manual we will present, procedures, food, care and products that will help and assist in growth , volume, and especially for the health of your beard strands, which is the most important for a perfect beard. Recalling that the manual is for those who want to improve the quality and appearance of the beard, but also for those who have no beard and want to show one.

1 – Take care of your food , prioritize a balanced diet focused on eating plenty of proteins and fats, because the hair, hair and beard are made of these macro nutrients. Therefore, you cannot miss your food: eggs, meat and milk. Likewise, we cannot forget about Vitamins A and Complex B, which are found in meat and eggs, but also in dark green vegetables. So, don’t forget to eat arugula and broccoli kk.

Tip: A vitamin complex can help a lot if you are unable to eat these foods on a daily basis.

 – Sanitize and care for your beard using specific beard products – Use Beard Shampoo , Beard Conditioner , Beard Oil and Beard Balm daily – wash twice a day, dry with towel. The most important thing is to always use a Balm or an Oil, they strengthen, nourish the hair and shape it, in addition to many having assets that stimulate the growth of the beard.

 – Massage the face in the beard region , as it will stimulate blood flow in the region, bringing nutrients that will assist in the growth of the beard.

Tip: When applying Balm or washing your beard, take the opportunity to do this procedure, the ideal is to do it every day for at least 10 minutes.

 – Today there are many Products that stimulate the growth of the beard , remembering that these products have incredible results, however, they need a certain regularity in their use, that is, the results will only appear with the continuous use of the product. For sure, doing this procedure daily your beard will achieve a very good result … Believe me!

5 – And we cannot forget, sleep my friends, sleeping well as we all know is fundamental for our body, and it would not be different with a beard. Sleeping well brings essential nutrients and hormones for hair and beard growth.

Finally, do not use products intended for beard hair, as these products are not made for the beard strands, and therefore they damage, dry out and still leave a lot of frizz on the beard. That’s it guys, let’s take care of those beards there, and go to the heads!


So this is what we have to say about Modelers Guide: Polishes and Waxes for Every Pocket. But there is one last thing … Any questions, just ask below, ideas for new posts and everything else you want … Now I went !!!


Renan Leite

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