Products for Men: The Male Revolution

05 de February de 2021

Hey Guys !!! Some time ago, men suffered from a lack of products specifically designed for them, or us to put it better. However, that was a panorama of the past, thankfully, because today the market is full of products, made, elaborated and designed to meet male needs in all their peculiarities. We can call this moment a male revolution. SIGNATURE CLUB FOR MEN – CAIXA SURPRESA PLAN | NEW OLD MAN



With regard to this matter, the most important factor is a question that may seem simple, but that makes all the difference when it comes to choosing a product, which would be the difference between the skin type of men bought and that of women, which is completely different.


In addition to this difference already mentioned, the male skin is more oily and thicker than that of women, men have specific needs such as a beard. She must take care of products intended for her, such as:

And many others! Only then can you understand the level of demand of men today.


We cannot leave behind and mention here in this article, hair products, which have evolved from the famous gel, to an infinity of other types of stylers. Lately, men’s hair products can range from a simple 2 in 1 shampoo to hair growth lotions. Just to give you an idea, let’s mention some hair products:


Finally, we still have the products, for body, face, perfumery, intimate care and the sexy niche, which would require much more line of article. Because of this variety, we will quote all these segments together:


To find out more about the products, or to purchase some of them, visit our website: New Old Man, the best store for products for men. For us the most important thing is to serve our customers in the best possible way, taking questions, bringing security and trust. You can call us on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and by phone, it will be a pleasure to help you.

See you…


So this is what we have to say about Products For Men: The Male Revolution. But there is one last thing … Any questions, just ask below, ideas for new posts and everything else you want … Now I went !!!

Renan Leite

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