Men’s Intimate Hygiene Why and How It Should Be Done – Wash Your Bilau

27 de January de 2021

Hey Guys !!! I’m going to the subject right away because it is serious, although men generally despise this topic, they think it is freshness, unnecessary, a woman thing, I don’t know! The Hygiene Intimate Male is something that should be feiro by men with great care and attention, whether it’s heterosexual or homosexual, the issue here is health, so we have to worry about.

Intimate Male Hygiene Why and How It Should Be Done, this is the topic of today’s post, let us advance that the lack of intimate hygiene can cause serious diseases, even becoming a cancer of the penis, and in more severe cases they can reach amputation of the male member. Of course, if we take proper care, the likelihood of containing such a disease is close to zero. As we know in recent news, even our President Jair Bolsonaro was concerned about the amount of penis amputations due to cancer. So, let’s be careful.

To start showing you the precautions and all the problems that the lack of male intimate hygiene can cause, this brief explanatory video: WASH YOUR BILAU: WHY AND HOW IT SHOULD BE MADE INTIMATE MALE HYGIENE | NEW OLD MAN


At this point, we will give you a complete and very objective summary of all the problems that the lack of male hygiene can cause, and then a checklist with all the care and precautions that will definitely get rid of these problems:

Diseases and problems caused by the lack of adequate male intimate hygiene:

  • Fungi;
  • Mucous;
  • Germs;
  • Infections;
  • Chronic bad smell;
  • Peeling, irritation, redness, pimple-like pellets and warts;
  • Penile cancer.

Why and How Should Male Intimate Hygiene Be Done? Now let’s go to every care to avoid the problems mentioned above:

  • Use an intimate male soap to remove all bacteria;
  • If necessary to reinforce protection, use an intimate male deodorant after the shower;
  • Always wipe the penis after urinating to avoid leaving urine residues, which facilitate the proliferation of bacteria and fungi in the male intimate area;
  • Make the hygiene complete and well done at bath time;
  • Washing the area daily seems obvious, but there are men who don’t do it, or sometimes they don’t do it right;
  • Always wash your hands before urinating and after leaving the bathroom;
  • Wash underwear very well, such as underwear, and provide for cotton clothing, as it hinders the proliferation of bacteria;
  • Depilation in the male intimate area, this step is optional, of course, but remembering that the hair ends up accumulating particles, the rest of urine and still leaves the intimate region more humid, causing the creation of bacteria that produce a bad odor;
  • Sanitize, and preferably wash the intimate area, right after sexual intercourse.


Leandro Intimos Liquid Soap - Raccoon 210g |  New Old ManRacco For Men Intimate Male Soap - Racco 200ml |  New Old ManRacco For Men Intimate Deodorant For Men - Racco 100ml |  New Old Man

Buy Men’s Intimate Hygiene Products Here:


So this is what we have to say about Men’s Intimate Hygiene Why and How It Should Be Done, but there is one last thing … Any questions, just ask below, ideas for new posts and everything else you want … Now I went !!!


Renan Leite

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