Step by Step Beard Lumberjack
08 de February de 2021Hey Guys !!! The lumberjack style beard is certainly one of the most desired beard styles today, with reference to American lumberjacks, who wore very long and voluminous beards on the bottom strip of the cheese, the style has been growing at an alarming rate.
Arousing the interest of many men, the woodcut beard brings virility and a more serious and rustic look to the kk individual, in addition to hiding some possible imperfections of the face and for some even the famous double chin.
If you are looking to adopt a woodcut beard, here’s the step by step:
To start with for sure the first thing to do is to just grow a beard, at first it will be a little complicated due to the itching, but then it gets a little more relaxed. The secret is to continually use the shaving shampoo and a good balm or an oil, that way, you guarantee that your beard and skin are always well hydrated.
The beard should take 2 to 3 months to reach the ideal size, don’t forget to stop by the barber for a slap or do it yourself with a beard trimmer.
To help keep your beard in the woodcut style, we have created a detailed and quick step by step for you. Is ready? There he goes:
- The mustache needs special care, comb it down and trim at the mouth line.
- To finish the cheek line, always leave the spot marked before trimming. Use a gel shaving cream to see the cut locations.
- In cleaning the line between the neck and the ear, stretch the skin of the face before passing the blade, but I recommend asking someone for help in this step.
- Always pass the blade in the direction of the hair, to avoid irritation and not to cut an unwanted part, leaving your beard all wrong.
Never forget to use products intended for shaving, always use a Beard Shampoo and a Balm, to guarantee a perfect, hydrated and hydrated beard without unwanted itching.
To close, we made a video, with our partner Ruan, to bring information from a professional in the area. Enjoy!
Footsteps Lumberjack Beard with Mustache Mustache | New Old Man
Bonus: Perfect Beard Handbook:
In the manual we will present, procedures, food, care and products that will help and assist in growth , volume, and especially for the health of your beard strands, which is the most important for a perfect beard. Recalling that the manual is for those who want to improve the quality and appearance of the beard, but also for those who have no beard and want to show one.
1 – Take care of your food , prioritize a balanced diet focused on eating plenty of proteins and fats, because the hair, hair and beard are made of these macro nutrients. Therefore, you cannot miss your food: eggs, meat and milk. Likewise, we cannot forget about Vitamins A and Complex B, which are found in meat and eggs, but also in dark green vegetables. So, don’t forget to eat arugula and broccoli kk.
Tip: A vitamin complex can help a lot if you are unable to eat these foods on a daily basis.
2 – Sanitize and take care of your beard using specific beard products – Use Beard Shampoo , Beard Conditioner , Beard Oil and Beard Balm daily – wash twice a day, dry with towel. The most important thing is to always use a Balm or an Oil, they strengthen, nourish the hair and shape it, in addition to many having assets that stimulate the growth of the beard.
3 – Massage the face in the beard region , as it will stimulate blood flow in the region, bringing nutrients that will assist in the growth of the beard.
Tip: When applying Balm or washing your beard, take the opportunity to do this procedure, the ideal is to do it every day for at least 10 minutes.
4 – Today there are many Products that stimulate the growth of the beard , remembering that these products have incredible results, however, they need a certain regularity in their use, that is, the results will only appear with the continuous use of the product. For sure, doing this procedure daily your beard will achieve a very good result … Believe me!
5 – And we cannot forget, sleep my friends, sleeping well as we all know is fundamental for our body, and it would not be different with a beard. Sleeping well brings essential nutrients and hormones for hair and beard growth.
Finally, do not use products intended for beard hair, as these products are not made for the beard strands, and therefore they damage, dry out and still leave a lot of frizz on the beard. That’s it guys, let’s take care of those beards there, and go to the heads!
So this is what we have to say about Footsteps Beard Lumberjack. But there is one last thing … Any questions, just ask below, ideas for new posts and everything else you want … Now I went !!!

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